The new boyfriend!

21:26 Thursday 26 August 2010

Production Weekly has just announced on Twitter that Chris Rock will be Marion's new boyfriend in 2 days in New York, the sequel to Julie Delpy's 2 days in Paris.

Ioncinema gives us some precisions:

The basic premise sees Delpy's character Marion having to juggle career, kids, ex-boyfriends and her current African American squeeze. The ex-boyfriend in this case, is not Adam Goldberg, but a French former flame -- perhaps in the Romain Duris vein"(....)
Synopsis: This centres again on French woman Marion (Delpy), who has broken up with Jack and now lives in New York with their children. Her Parisian family come to visit her, but the cultural differences between her eccentric father and new American boyfriend will turn out to be explosive. Meanwhile, her sister has had the "good" idea of bringing an ex-boyfriend from Paris and there is the pressure of an upcoming photography exhibition.


  1. Chris Rock? What a disappointment :( After Ethan Hawke and even Adam Goldberg, how can Julie "befriend" this guy?

    Sophie Golden

  2. Well, I must confess that I don't know him at all! He is not so well known in France...Why don't you like him ? His style, his films ?


  3. Why not Chris Rock? He's as good looking as Ethan and more appealing than Adam Goldberg.

    I don't know why people are so superficial...women as well as men.


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